Today, the chef and Master restaurateur of the restaurant La Table du Pays in Hargnies, Marie-Josèphe Garand, better known as "Marie-Jo", has prepared a delicious recipe for us, a family dish that you can serve to your guests and during a family meal: Pork ribs with vegetables

Discover now the recipe for pork ribs with small new vegetables.

Pork ribs with vegetables

The ingredients for this vegetable dish (For 4 people)

  • 1 kg pork ribs
  • 20 gr de beurre
  • 20 gr of lard
  • 200 g small white onions
  • 2 C. tablespoon flour
  • 6 carrots
  • 4 turnips
  • 2 white leeks
  • 6 potatoes
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 bouquet garni

Preparation of the recipe

  1. Brown the meat with the two fats.
  2. Add the carrots cut into slices, the turnips into cubes, the white leeks into XNUMXcm slices and the onions.
  3. Bring everything back well.
  4. Then add the bouquet garni, salt and pepper.
  5. Put the lid on and simmer gently.
  6. After half an hour, sprinkle with flour, stir and add the small potatoes.
  7. Add two glasses of water and finish cooking until the meat is tender (about 1/2 hour)
  8. Dress and serve hot! Have a good meal, of course

To be enjoyed hot with a hint of old-fashioned mustard and a slice of buttered bread. A delight !

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