Located in the heart of the national forest with century-old oaks, Vireux-Wallerand is delimited, on the river side, by the old towpath which has now become the TransArdennes Greenway.
Vireux-Wallerand is a picturesque town that occupies a privileged site in the Meuse Valley. Its right bank of the river is lined with pretty villas surrounded by gardens which constitute one of the charms of the town. The town of Vireux-Wallerand became French a little over 3 centuries ago, in 1678 more precisely, and was previously land of Luxembourg.Belonging to the Counts of Luxembourg, kings of Bohemia, the inhabitants of Vireux-Wallerand were qualified as "Bohemons" then "Boïamons" hence the name given today to the inhabitants of this commune, namely: Les Bayamonts.Vireux-Wallerand has an architectural heritage that is worth a visit: The Saint-Georges church, but also the castle located on the banks of the Meuse within a park, and dating from 1714, then the Risdoux castle which dates from the XNUMXth century today rehabilitated by private individuals into a hotel.