Do you have a question or have a special request? The answer you've been waiting for may be in this list!

Are there public toilets in Givet?

The public toilets are located on the Esplanade Jacques Sourdille, car park behind the Givet tourist office. These toilets are free.

When can I take a cruise?

Aboard the "Charlemagne", several cruises are possible in the Val d'Ardenne territory. From the cruise-walk to the cruise-meal, many possibilities are available to you.

Where can we have lunch/dinner?

De Many restaurants await you in the Val d'Ardenne territory. Ranging from gourmet cuisine to traditional French cuisine or even from local cuisine to cuisine from other countries.

I am looking for accommodation for tonight?

Several possibilities are available to you according to your expectations: Hotel rooms, guest rooms... to see a complete list of accommodation in the Val d'Ardenne territory, we advise you to visit the pages dedicated to accommodation on the OT website.

You can also find the list of available accommodation updated every day 24/24 on the window of the Vireux tourist office and its reception point in Givet

How can I access the citadel of Charlemont?

The citadel can be visited all summer. Access tickets are on sale directly at the entrance to the citadel. For more information, visit

Do you have a map of the city ?

The maps of the municipalities in our territory are available at our information points in Givet (Quai des Fours) or Vireux-Wallerand (castle square), and are provided free of charge at the request of our visitors.

Where can we hike?

In the Val d'Ardenne territory, hiking is a real pleasure and a total change of scenery. Many hiking trails, whether on foot or for mountain bike enthusiasts, are to be followed in the heart of unspoiled nature. Find them all on the dedicated page from our website

A topo guide grouping together the various hikes in the Val d'Ardenne territory is on sale at the tourist office as well as on our online store.

Can I hike during hunting season?

ou will enjoy hiking in the Ardennes forest. However, during the hunting season, it is strongly recommended that you find out about the dates and sectors where the hunts take place before setting off on an excursion. To this end, the Val d'Ardenne tourist office provides you with the hunting season calendar

Hunting Zone Calendar

Where can we park with our motorhome in Givet?

The parking area for motorhomes is located rue Berthelot, where you will find the amenities, namely the terminal for emptying waste water. A second car park welcomes you on the Quais Dervaux, near the Notre-Dame church. For the complete list of motorhome areas in our territory, we advise you to visit the website of the OT Val d'Ardenne

What are the market days?

evin: Tuesday morning – rue Victor Hugo

Fumay: Wednesday mornings – Place Hamaide/place Mitterrand

Vireux-Wallerand: Thursday morning – Place des Tries

Givet: Friday mornings – Place de la tour – rue Saint-Hilaire – Place Carnot

Haybes: Sunday morning – Place de l'hôtel de ville

Aubrives: The 2ndnd Sunday of each month – Town Hall Square

Is the tourist documentation free?

Tourist documentation at the Val d'Ardenne tourist office (place of the castle in Vireux-Wallerand) as well as in our second reception point in the territory (Givet quai des fours) is given free of charge to our visitors.

We invite you to consult our travel advisor(s) who will be able to provide you with information or even download our various tourist brochures

Can I come with a group to discover the region?

We can offer you different solutions for exploring the Meuse valley. Cruises, discovery tours, day tours, activities… our group service will support you in carrying out your project. A guide from the Val d'Ardenne tourist office will accompany you throughout your discovery.

Where can we connect to WiFi?

The Val d'Ardenne tourist office offers 2 free Wi-Fi access points in each of its reception points:

  • Vireux-Wallerand, Place du Château
  • Givet, Quai des Fours

What are the Ardennes specialities?

'Ardenne, land of flavors where you will have the pleasure of discovering our many specialities. How not to mention the famous “Cacasse à cul nu” or even “the bacon salad”, the famous white pudding from Haybes, the ham from the Ardennes. The sugar pie and the calf cake are also essential in our region. Other typical dishes or sweet treats such as the blue stones of Givet will delight your taste buds.

We invite you to discover the "Ardennes de France" shop at the Val d'Ardenne tourist office in Vireux-Wallerand (Place du château) or even our Online Store.

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